Rainbow Shoppers
Rainbow-Shoppers has a great collection of gay manga that you can order from Japan. It's nice to browse the collection and see artistic depictions that are outside of the "willowy prettyboy" stereotypes usually found in translated US manga. There are plenty of books by legendary artist Gengoroh Tagame, among many others.
(The image is from a calendar by Echigoya Shinnosuke.)
Hi! I was just checking out what's going on in Renas e Veados when i've discovered your blog. Since you like so much BD and know so many authors, would you know some that write/draw about women? If you do, i would really be intersted in. I'll be back to see your answer. Your blog in my favorites!
Salomé, I'm sorry to tell you that I don't many BD artists that specialize in women. I'm sure there are other things for that.
Urso, apparently "Renas" will make me very famous. :-)
Congrats for the site. The content so far is just awesome. If you have links to more eye-candy in comic book format, please, do share!
I recommend either Luis Royo or Boris Vallejo. Their art depicts mostly women (with the ocasional dragon thrown in because... well, dragons are just cool ain't?!?). All in gorgeous settings that draw heavily from the fantasy/fantastic genre.
(via R'n'V :o))
Renas is a very interesting inforation about a great people, so I have never known anything abouth it.good luck congratulations.
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